Wednesday 10 August 2016

Esquire reviews The Knives: 'A finely honed slice of modern political drama'

I'm delighted that the September issue of Esquire now on stands finds room in its cultural highlights section for a write-up on The Knives. One thing that's always lively, surprising and educational about reading reviews of your own stuff (and in a good way, I mean) is seeing how the reviewer selects from and synopsises the book's narrative. Very deftly done in this case, and with no little wit.

This is the critical conclusion the review comes to, which is very gratifying:

'What Kelly... has done so well is to craft an exciting novel set in the political arena... it grips from the off. This book could not also be more timely, with the threat to MPs' personal safety and radicalisation on British soil as alive on these pages as they are in tomorrow's headlines.'

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